Sunday, August 3, 2008

Not at Rock Bottom . . . Yet

"What is a home without children? Quiet." Henny Youngman

My darling daughter attended a birthday party and sleepover last night. Her friend lives out in the country and has two younger brothers and a younger sister, and a new sibling on the way. When I dropped my daughter off yesterday, the house was complete chaos - birthday guests arriving with gifts, balloons everywhere, toys strewn as far as the eye could see inside and outside the home. One of the little boys was sliding down the front banister in his underwear and a Buzz Lightyear mask. A tiny little girl was wailing and banging her baby doll against the wall. My daughter couldn't quite believe her eyes. I asked her if she wanted to stay, and she said she did.

I went to pick her up this morning. When I walked up to the house, I could see a little boy's pair of shorts and some underwear sitting right in front of the door. A beagle promptly came running to meet me and took the underwear in his mouth and ran around the yard with it. I collected my daughter and her belongings and said our goodbyes. She got in our van and promptly started crying because she was so happy to be coming home. Evidently the little pantsless boy was quite mean to her and things were a bit too chaotic for her. My daughter was even HAPPY TO SEE HER LITTLE BROTHER.

As I was driving home, I realized that on any given day (okay, everyday) you can find toys scattered about my house. My son may even slide down our front banister (with clothing on). My kids and house are far from perfect. BUT we've never had underwear laying outside our front door . . . yet. I know it is terrible, but I was somewhat comforted that someone else is more domestically challenged than I am. I suppose I had better enjoy this feeling before I go straight to Hell.

Note to self: Call your Mom and tell her what a wonderful mother she is and always has been. Ask how she kept her house so clean with five kids.


  1. Ahhhhh, the things we learn outside of our own home! Yes, appreciation, comes to mind here!

  2. Amen sister. Reinee too would have had a nervous breakdown.
