I'm watching these last days of summer fly by. It has been a wonderful, wonderful time.
There have been freeze pops.

Baseball with Coach Pedro - a great guy who always praised a job well done.

Hope you had a good summer too.

Even Gita wanted a pair of flip flops.

There were lemonade stands (and chocolate chip cookies too!)

We even had a marketing guy who circled the neighborhood to drum up business and took orders from the tennis court across the street. He even took lemonade orders and delivered them to the park.

Our wonderful Hudson, Wisconsin, Fourth of July parade. We have a Miss Hudson and her court of princesses. They have a great parade dance . . .

Our Hudson Raiders High School Band which is awesome.

And some reminders in a container of impatiens: Imagine, Believe, Dream, Faith, Simplify.

Sounds like a wonderul summer! I was just saying goodbye to our this morning :>